Congratulations to Pynadath George

16 June 2023
Pyanadath George.
Pyanadath George.

Dental Update, editorial board member, Pynadath George has recently been elected as president-elect of the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI).

Dental Update, editorial board member Pynadath George has recently been elected as president-elect of the Association of Dental Implantology (ADI).

In that regard, the ADI is the UK’s national organisation for implant dentistry. Its raison d’etre centres around contributing to the field of dental implants, facilitating both professional and patient education.

Although the ADI has evolved significantly over 35 years from a small study group in 1987, one thing has remained the same – its passion for supporting professional education and sharing the science behind dental implants. The ADI has always advocated evidence-based treatment and related science, ultimately enhancing access to high-quality, safe and effective dental implant treatment for more patients.