Colgate launches ‘HappyHabits’ campaign in partnership with dentist Monik Vasant and Dr Alex George

02 February 2022

A survey of 2,000 people, commissioned by Colgate, revealed a decline in daily oral care routines as a result of lockdown.

A survey of 2,000 people*, commissioned by Colgate, revealed a decline in daily oral care routines as a result of lockdown. The research shows that changes in daily routines, including working from home, has led to:

  • Over a third (36 per cent) stating the lack of routine meant they often forgot to brush their teeth
  • 28 per cent stating they had other health-related issues on their mind, so oral health was not a priority
  • A low awareness of the link between oral health and overall health

Monik Vasant, who specialises in minimally invasive aesthetic dentistry, says, “The social factors surrounding the pandemic such as lockdown and homeworking have led to a decline in many people’s oral health. As dental professionals, we can play an essential role in helping people get back on track. The pandemic has brought about many changes that seem to be here to stay, so we need to help people adapt and reprioritise their oral health. Educating on the link between oral health and overall health is an important part of this.”

Monik continued, “Typically, dental health professionals recommend specific products for specific therapeutic needs. Educating patients on the fact that not all toothpastes are the same can make a difference to how patients view and approach their oral health. Another key element of oral health that patients are unaware of is biofilm. Uncontrolled biofilms put all patients at risk and affect all surfaces of the mouth contributing to oral disease.

 “Patients are keen to know what more they can do to improve their oral health at home. Dental professionals can help by recommending a good daily oral health routine using Colgate Total (with Dual Zinc + Arginine) proven to provide superior biofilm control1-3, leading to superior clinical outcomes.4-7

“We want to reinforce the idea that good oral health begins at home, not in the dentist's chair.”

Colgate is launching the ‘HappyHabits’ campaign in partnership with medic, Dr Alex George, and dentist, Monik Vasant, to help remind people of the importance of a good basic oral care routine.

Your participation is key to the success of this campaign. Please click here to:                                     

  • Be part of a wider national campaign reinforcing the importance of a good oral care routine
  • Access educational resources including a waiting room video, social media tools and infographics to help motivate your patients, in practice and at home
  • Empower your patients with superior biofilm control1-3** that’s ‘always on’ by recommending Colgate Total with non-stop^ anti-bacterial action

*Research was conducted by OnePoll surveying 2,000 UK adults, December 2021

**Colgate Total® provides superior in vitro delivery, penetration, and retention of Zinc through Arginine

technology for biomass reductions vs Zinc control toothpaste

^ With 2 x daily brushing and 4 weeks continued use


  1. Manus L, et al. J Clin Dent. 2018;29(Spec Iss A)A10-19.
  2. Daep C, et al. August 2019, Data on file.
  3. Manus L, et al.2021 IADR/AADR/CADR General Session
  4. Delgado E, et al. J ClinDent 2018;29(Spec lss A) A33-40.
  5. Seriwatanachai & Mateo, September 2016, internal report.
  6. Hu D, et al. J Clin Dent. 2018;29(Spec lss A)A41-45.
  7. Garcia-Godoy & Mateo, February 2017, data on file