Clinical leadership: NHS update

16 February 2023

Effective leadership is a necessity in every workplace. But in healthcare, a lack of effective leaders can impact the quality of care patients receive. Sarah Hurley, chief dental officer for England, and Sir Stephen Powis focused on the need for strong strategic clinical leadership.

Effective leadership is a necessity in every workplace. But in healthcare, a lack of effective leaders can impact the quality of care patients receive. Sarah Hurley, chief dental officer for England, and Sir Stephen Powis focused on the need for strong strategic clinical leadership.

This month’s update opened by encouraging readers to apply for the chief dental officer’s Clinical Fellows scheme. Explaining the course, the authors said, “This leadership programme challenges thinking and commands self-reflection, a journey to be embarked upon with other like-minded, supportive, multi-professional fellows. Working on a variety of national initiatives in key healthcare organisations, clinicians collectively develop crucial leadership and management skills over the course of the fellowship.”

Chief Dental Officer’s Clinical Fellowship Scheme 2023/24

Applications for the Chief Dental Officer’s Clinical Fellowship Scheme have opened.

The programme is a 12-month scheme to support dentists in developing their “leadership potential and aspirations and to equip them with the skills required to be effective and impactful leaders.”

The bulletin also comments from two applicants on why they applied to the scheme.

Rebecca Kelly, NHS England - Leadership and Lifelong Learning, People Directorate, said, “I was keen to develop my own leadership and management style. I feel a deeper understanding of healthcare policy and how the wider NHS works is essential for clinical leaders of the future. I opted for a part-time role on the scheme so that I could continue my clinical development as a Speciality Registrar in Oral Surgery alongside my leadership role.

“I hope that this will equip me with a unique insight from both the policy maker and the clinical team’s perspective.

“During my fellowship, I have been working with the Leadership and Lifelong Learning Team (better known as the NHS Leadership Academy) to explore leadership development opportunities for dentists and dental care professionals. I have been involved in several local and regional projects and look forward to the opportunity of leading on key national projects which contribute to healthcare policy. I hope that this will help me to lead positive change within the healthcare system in future leadership roles.

Clare Granger, NHS England - North West, said, “I hope to gain a more in-depth understanding of the processes involved in the planning and commissioning of healthcare services and how the newly formed Integrated Care Systems will work in partnerships to meet the health needs and improve the lives of local communities. I am looking forward to acquiring broader knowledge and skills to further develop my own leadership capabilities but also to improve the care I offer to patients, whilst furthering my commitment to reducing health inequalities within dental and healthcare populations.

“I am currently working at NHS England North West on projects including dental workforce strategy, sedation services, a delegation of dental commissioning and recommendations for transforming paediatric and special care services in community dentistry.”

Zain Hameed, Office of the Chief Dental Officer England, said, “I was keen to strengthen my understanding of healthcare management and the crucial role of the Chief Dental Officer in contributing to wider NHS priorities. The invaluable transferable skills gained through this fellowship, such as policy development and programme management, as well as the opportunity to work on projects that have the potential to transform dentistry on a national level, will encourage me to develop as a leader in the NHS.

“I am working to address some of the current challenges facing dentistry, such as improving the management of high needs patients, access to NHS dental services, as well embedding a learning from events culture amongst dental care professionals, in relation to patient safety incidents.”

Leadership in focus: A year as the regional chief dental officer

Reflecting on his first year as regional chief dentist for NHS England (midlands), Adam Morby said, “My role as regional chief dentist has brought a more cohesive approach to oversight and operation of dental services in the Midlands region. My first year in the post has demonstrated how much can be achieved through collaboration and communication between different regional directorates.

“The relationships built and experience gained will be invaluable as stakeholders including NHS England, Health Education England, NHS Digital, public health and other specialist teams merge to form the new NHS England.”

Adam went on to explain the benefits of delegating primary care services to Integrated Care systems (ICSs). He said they had “brought further opportunities and potential for the profession to work collaboratively at a community level with other professional colleagues”, allowing for an “integrated approach to patient care and oral health improvement.”

The final section of Adam’s statement focuses on the newly founded Dental Development Board (DDB). The board brings together the “commissioners, ICS and education colleagues, and Primary Care Networks across the Midlands”, creating an opportunity for collaboration.

British Dental Industry Association (BDIA) Dental Showcase 2023

Sarah Hurley will be returning to the BDIA showcase to present various sessions. One of which will be focused on “the life after the clinical fellowship discussed in this bulletin.”

Subjects Sarah will cover at the event include:

  • “Workforce – using skill mix in your practice
  • “Professional standards – patient safety, lone working guidance, assurance of quality of care, information governance, clinical standards for implementing and delivering care
  • “Oral health regulation – Dental Performers List, Performers List Validation by Experience (PLVE), changes to Oversees Registration Exam (ORE)
  • “Career pathways – clinical and non-clinical opportunities
  • “Oral health inequalities – Core20PLUS5, access to services and caring for patients with high needs
  • “Oral health and systemic health – cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer care pathways”

The BDIA Showcase 2023 will be held at the ExCel Centre London, March 24-25, 2023.