Changes to CPD requirements

12 December 2013
Volume 29 · Issue 10

The General Dental Council (GDC) has launched a consultation on new statutory rules for continuing professional development (CPD).  

CPD is a legal requirement for all registered dental professionals and those seeking to restore to the register. The GDC is proposing to change the rules which govern CPD requirements for registrants.  

Among the key changes being proposed are: 

  • New minimum CPD hours requirements;

  • The introduction of high level learning outcomes that relate to the Standards for the Dental Team; 

  • Embedding planning and reflection into CPD requirements; 

  • Emphasising the importance of good quality CPD by requiring that all CPD be verifiable; and 

  • Introducing annual CPD declarations as a requirement of ongoing registration. 

The new rules, which are set out in proposed new legislation, seek to embed CPD as a regular part of registrants' professional life.  They also aim to support registrants to meet the GDC's 'Standards for the Dental Team' and provide the GDC with regular assurance that registrants are keeping up to date.  

The consultation is now open and the GDC is keen to hear views from registrants and the wider dental sector, including those involved in delivering and supporting CPD in dentistry. 

The consultation is open until March 21, 2014. Have your say here:

Further information about the consultation, including questions and answers, can be found at