Change your whole life and triple your income

18 September 2022

James Martin shares his financial journey.

Dr James Martin qualified as a dentist in 2016 and was quite content in his role treating patients. However, a small desire at the back of his mind to start his own side business became much more than that when he changed his mindset.

I grew up interested in finance, reading lots of books on the subject, and I later became interested in cryptocurrency. I kept up-to-date with it and regularly traded, but it didn’t occur to me that the fundamentals of how it all worked weren’t general knowledge. It wasn’t until I looked at the fairly simple questions being asked by very intelligent people that I realised the gap in the market. The majority of dentists simply hadn’t been exposed to this information and the finance industry was not being as forthcoming in its education as it could be.

I had always thought about creating my own finance-related business but I didn’t know the first thing about where to start. I came across Dr Mahmood Mawjee’s Re-Ignite Academy in a webinar. Mahmood was talking about how to be stronger mentally to tackle new ventures. He was convinced that everyone watching had the knowledge and opportunity to build something else alongside their dentistry – I wanted to know more. Mahmood showed me that the knowledge I already had could be turned into a viable product – which was something I had did think was possible. Once I understood and believed in this, that’s when my life began to change.

Mahmood really made me put myself out there in everything that I did, including on social media to make use of the powerful networking opportunities it offers. I was able to identify and really target the right audience so I could proactively establish and build a success business that would change my life. I learnt that you should get attention first and create a product second – not the other way around. Mahmood’s course gave me the ability to speak confidently in public too, which is a skill that impacts every part of your life. With Mahmood’s mentorship and guidance, it was a revelation to discover just how achievable my own business would be.

More than this, my income is now three times what it was before I embarked on this life-changing journey. I always worked hard, but now I spend my time and efforts more wisely, channelling them into more productive activities that deliver a significantly higher monetary return. Plus, I love what I do now!

How you do financially is about who you are and how willing you are to succeed. You need the right head space and The Re-Ignite Academy helped me with this enormously. The new mindset I created with their help, changed my entire life.

Every second lived that is not a 10/10 is a second wasted. If there’s room for improvement, find what you’re passionate about, change your mindset and surround yourself with people who can offer inspiration. I would genuinely be gutted if I realised just how much I had been missing out on, if I discovered this way of living in 10 years’ time. I’m more excited for and optimistic about the future than I ever have been.

James now successfully leads a growing community, “Dentists Who Invest”, from his website and Facebook page, showing dentists how to generate their own financial freedom through programmes such as “Access to Bitcoin” and “Total Finance For Dentists”.  

For more information about The Re-Ignite Academy, follow @thereigniteacademy or @mahmoodmawjee on Instagram or visit