Bursary award winners

17 February 2015
Volume 30 · Issue 4

Every year the Association of Dental Groups (ADG) member companies invest significantly in training and development for their people, as well as in surgeries and equipment to ensure that dentists are able to offer the highest standards of care to their patients. The ADG’s commitment to wider education and training is epitomised by the Association’s annual Bursary Awards.

The number and standard of Bursary Awards entries in 2014 outstripped previous figures by a significant margin. The winners were announced at a prestigious awards reception held in the Library at the Royal College of Surgeons on February 13. David Worskett, Chair of the ADG, said:


“We were absolutely delighted by the quality of the entries in this, the second year of the scheme. Not only is it clear that the awards have now ‘taken off’, it is also evident that the understanding of the importance of both professionalism and management in modern dentistry is gaining ground.”


The ADG would like to congratulate all the winners, and in particular:


Orna Ni Choileain and Niall McGoldrick – Postgraduate Winners

Rosie Pritchett, Corwin Hine, Mark Franks and Luke Fisher-Brown – Undergaduate (Management) Gold Award Winners

Amardeep Singh Dhadwal – Undergraduate (Professionalism) Gold Award Winner.


The entries were judged by panels made up of:


John Milne, Chair of the BDA’s General Practice Committee

Sue Gregory, former Deputy Chief Dental Officer.

Malcolm Smith, Post Graduate Dental Dean at Health Education N.East

Shalin Mehra, Chair of the ADG’s Clinical Forum

David Worskett, ADG Chair



The ADG remains committed to supporting education and development across the dentistry and will be announcing details of this year’s awards scheme later in the spring.


 For more information about the ADG visit www.dentalgroups.co.uk