Building an empire  

20 January 2023

Ferhan Ahmed on how he multiplied his income by 10.

Ferhan Ahmed on how he multiplied his income by 10.

Every dentist has the potential to do more, earn more and be more than they are today. The ideas and passion are there, but sometimes you just need a helping hand to unlock them and realise the opportunities available to you. Dr Ferhan Ahmed has been on his journey in the last few years, in which he has adapted his business, removed self-limitations and thrived.

Thinking about how it all began, he shares where he started back in 2019, “I was listening to a podcast from Mahmood Mawjee and what he said really resonated with me. He was discussing how important it was to be an impactful speaker in almost anything else that you do. As a provider of dental implant training and a practising clinician, it was easy to apply this to my personal situation and see just how much this could impact my work. Mahmood was very energetic, motivational and clearly passionate about what he was saying. I was hungry to improve, to better myself. When I contacted Mahmood, he promised he could make me a better speaker – it was as simple as that.”

Ferhan proceeded to join a programme with Mahmood and The Re-Ignite Academy – that was three years ago. He considers what his life is like today and what the greatest changes have been, “I started working with Mahmood one-to-one just prior to the pandemic, so we were both developing our business models to adjust to lockdown at the same time. He helped me adapt to the situation, take my mentoring and training services online and really engage with people at home. Mahmood enabled me to reach a remote audience, identify what I could offer them and build packages to provide a service they valued. In the first lockdown, I sold out three cohorts of my online programme through careful marketing and positioning, so it was a significant success – all made possible through my relationship with Mahmood.

“Regarding what has changed the most for me, I’d say I am starting to discover what I am truly capable of. I am a qualified doctor and dentist and had always compartmentalised my working life which limited what I was capable of. Mahmood helped me realise that I could be so much more than just a clinician – he saw the bigger picture as an outsider looking in and provided a guide for me in my growth. He took the drive and hunger I already had hidden inside me, brought it to the surface and super-charged it. He encouraged my curiosity to learn more and propel my personal development.

“Aside from this massive change in my mindset, my business and my personal growth, Mahmood’s guidance has also enabled me to consistently earn way beyond what I ever imagined I could make. I never dreamt of monetising my skills this effectively – Mahmood has enabled me to consistently earn 10 times my previous monthly income.”

While hugely successful, growth of this size does not come without challenges. Ferhan reflects on what he feels has been the toughest aspect of his journey so far, “We all have to balance a lot in life. As you develop, you get busier because you have more commitments. Finding time to do everything properly and prioritising tasks day-to-day has been difficult. What I have learnt is that time management is always an issue – you have to spend your time as wisely. As you grow as an individual, your problems get bigger too. However, so does your ability to overcome difficulties, because your whole mindset changes. The challenges I face today would have floored me a few years ago. But I have worked on myself and immersed myself in this environment with Mahmood which has taught me to react differently and be better prepared. It’s like exercise – most people can’t go to the gym on day one and bench press 120kg; they have to build capacity through training. The same should be applied to life in general, the more you work on yourself, the more you can overcome and the more you can achieve. Fortunately, I surrounded myself with the right people to get myself to the place I’m in today.”

Having totally changed his life, Ferhan is keen to help others unlock their own potential and is now a coach helping Mahmood to deliver programmes through The Re-Ignite Academy. He adds, “People can achieve whatever they want to when they believe in themselves. As a coach with The Re-Ignite Academy, I have seen multiple others repeat what I achieved through the system. It’s not a fluke, it works! Without a doubt, many people have the potential to turn their hidden passions into massive successes, increasing their monthly income by five or 10 times in the process.

“I’d encourage colleagues to search out help and guidance for their personal development. You will be more than capable of getting there on your own, but finding a guide, a mindset or a business coach will fast-track your progress and improve your experience. It’s also hugely beneficial to have someone at the end of the phone for support and reassurance when times get tough.”

As a coach with The Re-Ignite Academy, Ferhan helps deliver training to clients, shares his own experiences and offers support. He’s there to encourage and motivate others as they embark on their own personal growth. 

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