Dental experts from Brushlink, the award-winning oral care device and app which turns any toothbrush into a smart brush and collects data for improved brushing, have welcomed the findings of the research but emphasise two points – regular and effective brushing is the best way to maintain good oral health, and that the results of the research do not mean that toothpaste should be abandoned because the fluoride it contains is vital to strong, healthy teeth.
“The results of the research highlight what we have been saying all along, which is that good oral health relies on a number of regular activities that have a good brushing technique and frequency at their heart,” commented Dev Patel, founder and CEO of Brushlink.
He added, “Our own survey of 2,000 UK adults showed that half missed a quarter of their teeth when they brushed, and that six in 10 had never been shown how to brush properly by their dentist or dental therapist and hygienist, yet brushing is so important to good oral health. It is good that this recent research has shown that we should not rely on just one element of the oral health care arsenal to maintain a healthy mouth.”
Dental erosion occurs when acids from food and drink attack the enamel of the tooth. The longer the acid is allowed to stay in the mouth, and the more frequently acidic food and drink are consumed, the greater the potential for damage. Regular brushing not only cleans teeth and gums, it also helps to neutralise the acid and reduce the amount of time it is on the teeth. This is why it is best not to snack on sugary food and drink, and advisable to brush teeth or chew sugar-free gum after meals.
The research showed that dental erosion still happens after using nine toothpastes readily available in Europe. Many made no difference at all, while two were no more effective than saliva.
New technology designed to aid and improve the maintenance of good oral health at home is starting to have impact on brushing and brushing technique. One example is the Brushlink device, which is a tiny hi-tech Bluetooth unit that attaches easily to any toothbrush and monitors brushing frequency, duration and – for the first time – angulation so that correct brushing angles can be encouraged, reinforced and monitored to help prevent gum disease. It effectively turns any toothbrush into a smart brush at around a tenth of the price of smart brushes currently on the market.
The accompanying free mobile phone app provides the user with real time brushing guidance and performance monitoring. Each brushing session is scored and monitored and the cumulative data can be shared with dental professionals in order to target help and advice. Data can be stored for up to three months, so there is no need for patients to have their phones with them every time they brush.
It is great for families, because it introduces a fun and competitive element to the twice-daily routine of tooth brushing.