Battling stress and anxiety in challenging times

25 October 2022

There are few people who would dispute that we have been living in trying times over the past few years. A pandemic, a war in Europe which has contributed to rocketing energy and food prices, followed by rising mortgage rates have all contributed to high levels of stress and anxiety.

There are few people who would dispute that we have been living in trying times over the past few years. A pandemic, a war in Europe which has contributed to rocketing energy and food prices, followed by rising mortgage rates have all contributed to high levels of stress and anxiety.

At challenging times like these, we all need to help each other out. Which is why Practice Plan, as it did during the height of the covid lockdown, has come up with a way to offer a helping hand to dental teams across the UK by launching YouHub.

YouHub is a comprehensive resource centre designed to give you a sense of calm and peace of mind, and to help you take positive action in the key areas affecting you the most right now. Split into four sections: wellbeing, recruitment and retention, cost of living, and business finances. YouHub aims to help you develop resilience and gain the know-how needed to navigate your way through the choppy waters we’re facing.

Packed full of advice and analysis, the content has been developed by collaborating with experts in the fields of mental health and wellbeing, HR and recruitment, as well as business coaches, mentors, and our colleagues at Wesleyan.

In the wellbeing section, you’ll find advice on meditation, mindfulness, dealing with burnout and suggestions on how to improve your team’s morale, amongst other things. In the recruitment and retention section, there are webinars and blogs on subjects such as how to use CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) as a tool to attract and keep good staff, how to be a good leader and the importance of supporting your staff.

The cost-of-living section has useful resources to help with your personal finances such as a handy budget planner from the team at Wesleyan to help you get your finances under control, as well as a brilliant podcast from award-winning financial planner and certified financial coach Catherine Morgan, who explains how your current financial behaviours and spending habits can impact your future finances.

The business finances section is where you’ll find information to help you run a practice including ADAM president, Lisa Bainham’s video, Finances Made Simple, where she explains how to improve your profit margins through monitoring your financial performance. Neil Richardson, a specialist dental financial consultant at Wesleyan, talks about the four key considerations for protecting your practice, and you can download our top tips on how to develop a more profitable practice. We’ll be adding to the resources all the time, so it’s worth visiting YouHub regularly.

YouHub is a resource for the whole of the dental community. So, if you see something you think others would find useful, please pass it on. Now, more than ever, we need to regain the sense of community, caring and togetherness we developed during the early days of the pandemic. We truly are all in this together, and the best chance we have of achieving a good outcome from these worrying and troubling times is to look out for each other and extend a helping hand where we can.

You can find YouHub on the Practice Plan website at