Association appoints new chair

25 October 2022
Heidi Marshall and Nick Ledingham
Heidi Marshall and Nick Ledingham

At their recent biannual meeting to discuss all things dentally financial and legal, the National Association of Specialist Dental Accountants and Lawyers (NASDAL) appointed a new chair of the association.

At their recent biannual meeting to discuss all things dentally financial and legal, the National Association of Specialist Dental Accountants and Lawyers (NASDAL) appointed a new chair of the association.

NASDAL was originally formed in 1997. The association is made up of accountants and lawyers who specialise in acting for and looking after the accounting, tax and legal affairs of dentists. It is the pre-eminent centre of excellence for accounting, tax and legal matters concerning dentists. Its members are required to pass strict admission criteria, and it regulates the performance of its members to ensure high standards of technical knowledge and service. 

New chair Heidi Marshall heads up the dental team at Dodd & Co chartered accountants and until recently was the secretary of NASDAL - a post she has held since 2015. She acts for clients up and down the country and regularly contributes to the dental press and presents at seminars. Heidi takes over from Nick Ledingham, senior partner at Morris and Co, founding member of NASDAL and chairman since 2008.

Heidi said, “I have big shoes to fill and thank Nick for all the tireless work that he has put in over the 25 years that he has been involved with NASDAL. He has helped shape it into the organisation that it is today. I feel a particular responsibility to the association as it was Paul Kendal, who was a partner at Dodd & Co in our Penrith office back in 1997 who made the initial calls with the idea of forming an association. I hope that I will do him, Nick and all our members proud.”

Nick commented, “Whilst I am now more than happy to hand over the Chairmanship to Heidi, I won’t be disappearing just yet. I have still got a few more years of work ahead of me, and I look forward to many more NASDAL meetings in the future, although at future meetings I will be taking a different seat. What I have loved about NASDAL is that it has distinguished itself from other similar organisations is that all of its members are friends. We all look forward very much to the meetings and to catching up with what has happened to other members over the last six months, both professionally and personally. Many members who have retired over the years have told me that out of all the professional bodies that they have belonged to, NASDAL was by far their favourite, and I am enormously proud of that.”