Alcohol and cancer: new Scottish health guidance

27 September 2022

Guidance has been issued to health care professionals in Scotland on the link between alcohol and cancer.

Guidance has been issued to health care professionals in Scotland on the link between alcohol and cancer.

In 2015, 6.5 per cent of deaths in Scotland were linked to alcohol. Of these, 28 per cent were due to cancer.

Released by Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP), the report highlights the link between alcohol consumption and various types of cancer.

The report states, “for men, 56 per cent of cases of cancers of the lip, oral cavity and pharynx can be attributed to alcohol consumption. For women, it is 36 per cent.” Other lifestyle choices correlate with this increased risk but “especially smoking.”

Scottish Health Action On Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) 2022 update

For professionals wanting to provide advice to patients, the report suggests opportunities for intervention. If a patient’s drinking is posing a risk to their health Alcohol Brief Interventions could be an effective strategy.

Read the full guidance here: