
Fancy dress

All the staff at the Boyatt Wood Dental Centre in Eastleigh, Hampshire, turned out in fancy dress to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Prescriptive PDS+

Patients’ gain? Dentists’ pain, warns Mark Jarvis.

Together we are stronger

Chris Davies stresses the importance of dental specialists working to benefit clients.

The value in converting

Roger Matthews shows the benefits of private practice.

Planning for the future

Gary Moore looks back on his first year with IndepenDent Care Plans.

Planning ahead

Know where you are going before you start out, says Nigel Jones.

Ring in the changes

Is the New Year a time to herald changes in your practice, asks Andrew Warren?

New associates

Paul Clare shows how to stay on the right side of the taxman.

Pension provision

Providing a stakeholder pension scheme could be the answer, says Graham Cox.

Starting over again

When Raj Rattan bought a new practice, design was of utmost importance.

Taking care

Nilesh Patel praises the role of good dental nurses.

Impressive event

David Croser reports on the annual Premier Symposium.