
Understand the danger

In the UK, a small but still troubling number of healthcare workers develop a potentially life-threatening disease as a result of sharps or needlestick injuries.

Foundation announces new president

Tony Newton has been elected as the new president of the British Dental Health Foundation.

Changes to CPD requirements

The General Dental Council (GDC) has launched a consultation on new statutory rules for continuing professional development (CPD).  

Oral health consensus

In September last year, a group of key opinion leaders met at their annual National Advisory Panel event in London to advise on a number of topical oral health issues.

Young dentist conference

The ninth annual Young Dentist Conference will take place at the Royal College of Physicians, Londonon Saturday February 8, 2014.

Dental simulation

Things have come a long way since consultant in restorative dentistry, Peter Briggs, was a dental student and graduates used to practice dental techniques on each another before moving on to...

Pension penalty trap

All dentists who are over 50 and work in the NHS are urged by Nick Ledingham to make sure they aren’t inadvertently penalised by changes in the pension rules.  

New company launched

As self-employed earners, it can be said that associate dentists appreciate the value of money a little more than the salaried employee.

New president and committee members

Philip Friel took over the presidency of the ADI, the representative body of implant dentistry in the UK, for the 2013-2015 term at the Association’s AGM and Members’ National Forum. 

Send quitters on road to victory

Dentists across the UK are being encouraged to get involved in the No Smoking Day campaign as it gets ready to inspire hundreds of thousands of smokers to quit on Wednesday March 12 2014.

Improving oral health

Local Plymouth MP Alison Seabeck joined with the Wrigley Company Ltd and Peninsula Schools of Medicine and Dentistry to host a high level summit on promoting better oral health in Plymouth.

Dental skills competition

Fifth year dental student Elizabeth Barry will represent King’s College London Dental Institute at a UK-wide dental clinical skills competition to be held at The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh...

Help boost child safety

Scottish dentists are being encouraged to contribute to a new campaign which aims to ensure the wellbeing of children being cared for within private fostering arrangements.

Barriers to raising concerns?

Few dental professionals have faced barriers to raising concerns and the majority who had reported problems said the matter had been dealt with to their satisfaction, according to a recent Dental...

Harmful effects

New research has highlighted that people are still unaware of the risks posed by the deadly duo of smoking and drinking alcohol to excess.