
Skills required

Michael Sultan asks what makes a good associate.

Good intentions

Paul Mendlesohn gives advice on how to break old habits.

Cost savings

Andy Sloan looks at an important aspect in the business of dental practice.

Going on tour

Eddie MacKenzie attends a practice managers’ forum.

Pensions warning

Jon Drysdale explains why it is important not to ignore the new limits.

Positively addictive

Roger Matthews questions the direction of our attention.

The great debate

Nilesh Patel looks at the controversy surrounding public health fluoride schemes.

Mouth cancer awareness

New statistics, published by the British Dental Health Foundation, reveal there were 6,767 new cases of oral cancer in 2011, a rise of 33 per cent since 2000. 

A year in oral health

Nigel Carter reviews the changes 2013 has brought.

Healthy gums

Philip Greene explains how the oral cavity is the gateway to general health.

Orthodontic conference

More than 1,300 dental professionals from across the UK attended the British Orthodontic Society’s annual conference to hear about the latest research and best clinical practice in orthodontics.

Implant restoration drive

General dental practitioners are being encouraged to learn to complete the final restoration phase of implant treatment for their patients.  

Invest in dentistry

Governments across the UK must pay heed to the economic challenges facing NHS dentistry and maintain their commitment to patients and practitioners. 

Goodwill value

The latest goodwill survey from NASDAL for the quarter ending July 31 reflects a buoyant market for the sale and purchase of dental practices, with NHS contracts still a strong selling point.

Looking at imaging

The Dentist speaks to Carestream Dental’s Ernesto Jaconelli about 3D technology.