Clare Emery explains the importance of being dementia friendly.
Gemma James offers property-related pain relief advice.
Chris Barlow asks if you know what you are getting from your dental lab.
Sarah Buxton reviews the changes in an employee’s legal rights.
Jeroen Deenen explains the importance of clear communication.
Alfie Jones warns of the risks involved when using the medium.
Rob Walsh explains the importance of achieving team buy-in.
Nina Cartwright explains the importance of understanding KPIs.
Michael Lansdell considers what the Scottish Referendum result will mean for the dental industry.
Nick Baker asks if the dental sector should be scared.
Hazel Adams looks at the workings of the Dental Complaints Service.
Roger Matthews looks at the benefits offered by keeping things simple.
Nilesh Patel asks where proposed efficiencies are supposed to come from.
Purchasing a practice, even a successful one, is a daunting task for any principal dentist, but at least it comes with the reassurance that there is goodwill and a presence in the community. For those...
Barry Cockcroft, CDO of NHS England, answers your questions on contract reform.