Jatinder Ubhi reviews the benefits of his new X-ray scanner.
The Dentist talks to Carestream Dental’s Ian Pye about the company’s implementation of a new customer focused philosophy.
A look at the growth in the demand and treatment.
Lloyd Pope reviews the new technology behind facial aesthetics.
Simon Milbauer explains the advantages of using a laser.
Zaki Kanaan looks at the year ahead for the BACD.
Stephen Martin reviews the improvements now available in endodontics.
A look at how modern imaging equipment enables more accurate diagnoses.
Professor Joachim S Hermann presents a recent implant case.
Vivienne Wootten previews the British Dental Conference and Exhibition.
Dominic Hassall reviews the current state of aesthetic dentistry in the UK.
Marie Clément presents a minimally invasive aesthetic solution.
Nishan Dixit describes a non-invasive composite restoration using a multi-layer technique.
Mohsen Tehranian and Beena Harkison look at the treatment options available.
Stunning street art was created using only electric toothbrushes.