
Going digital

Jatinder Ubhi reviews the benefits of his new X-ray scanner.

The customer experience

The Dentist talks to Carestream Dental’s Ian Pye about the company’s implementation of a new customer focused philosophy.

Facial aesthetics

A look at the growth in the demand and treatment.

Face training

Lloyd Pope reviews the new technology behind facial aesthetics.

Effective treatment tool

Simon Milbauer explains the advantages of using a laser.

The president’s view

Zaki Kanaan looks at the year ahead for the BACD.

Prefer to refer?

Stephen Martin reviews the improvements now available in endodontics.

Increasing endo success

A look at how modern imaging equipment enables more accurate diagnoses.

Immediate placement

Professor Joachim S Hermann presents a recent implant case.

Heading to Manchester

Vivienne Wootten previews the British Dental Conference and Exhibition.

Cosmetic, aesthetic or restorative?

Dominic Hassall reviews the current state of aesthetic dentistry in the UK.

Treating fluorosis stains

Marie Clément presents a minimally invasive aesthetic solution.

Happy patient

Nishan Dixit describes a non-invasive composite restoration using a multi-layer technique.

Minor tooth movement

Mohsen Tehranian and Beena Harkison look at the treatment options available.

Clean art

Stunning street art was created using only electric toothbrushes.