Nilesh Patel explains that it is a matter of safety.
Deborah Lyle explores the link between periodontitis and atherosclerosis
Peter Baker questions the current limitation on HPV vaccinations.
Meredyth Bell reports on the Premier Symposium.
A look into what motivates dentists today.
Continuing the series on dentistry across the world, Jens Nolte reviews a typical day in his practice in Germany.
Charlotte Booth reviews one practice’s recent refurbishment.
Roger Gullidge explains the benefits of finding a suitable contractor when building or refurbishing a dental practice.
Mide Ojo describes a case which highlights the advantages of composite as a veneering material.
A look at one of the new implant courses available to dentists.
Welcome to 2015
Apolline reports on the LDC’s Officials’ Day.
In December children impatiently wait for the arrival of Father Christmas; to those who have been good he brings gifts and treats, ensuring it truly is the happiest time of the year.
Michael Sultan asks if the profession is accepting enough of fresh ideas.
Maysoon Aladawi questions the effectiveness of dental examinations.