
Business commits to make over a billion toothpaste tubes recyclable by 2025

GSK Consumer Healthcare (GSKCH) has announced that it is partnering with two global packaging suppliers to launch fully recyclable toothpaste tubes across its specialist and science-based oral health...

Vicarious liability – what does the recent judgment mean for self-employed status?

A recent legal judgement has been causing some consternation amongst the dental community. NASDAL (National Association of Specialist Dental Accountants and Lawyers) has been studying the recent...

UK public among the most interested teeth whitening

We’ve all been exposed to society’s changing beauty standards, but one simple yet effective way of boosting self-esteem is with a bright smile.

Six-figure funding package enables Leeds dentist to buy second practice

A popular dentist from Leeds has opened his second practice thanks to six-figure funding from Unity Trust Bank.

McFly’s Harry Judd backs campaign to highlight the role of nature in managing mental wellbeing

Simplyhealth, Denplan’s parent company, has partnered with McFly musician Harry Judd and the Mental Health Foundation on a new campaign to shine a light on how connecting with the natural world can...

Should you buy or lease your next car?

Michael Lansdell discusses the factors behind the decision.

New mental health initiative launched

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, and to coincide with this important event a new dental initiative has been launched to encourage all dental workplaces to make mental health wellness a...

Change – the only constant

Catherine Rutland discusses the continued need to adapt and change.

Looking beyond the city

Luke Moore considers the changing demand for dental practices.

Stepping up the fight against mouth cancer

The OCDO has released its latest NHS dentistry and oral health bulletin, with a focus on oral cancer.

New statistics reveal surge in demand for orthodontics during the pandemic

New figures from The British Orthodontic Society reveal a surge in adults seeking orthodontic treatment since the start of the pandemic. With close-up video conferencing the new work norm, people have...

Dental entrepreneurs appear on Dragons’ Den

Dentists Rhona Eskander and Simon Chard recently appeared on BBC’s Dragons’ Den to pitch Pärla toothpaste tabs – their range of ethical and eco-friendly toothpaste tablets.

Better access to dental care could help win battle against COPD

Oral health in Brazil needs better promotion and more accessible public dental services, in order to help tackle the impact of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) – the country’s third...

BSPD applauds new hospital programme

The oral health of children in hospital is recognised as fundamental to their wellbeing thanks to the Mini Mouth Care Matters programme. BSPD applauds the programme which is benefiting thousands of...

A hidden problem

Tina Chander explains that not all bullying is visible.