
First vanishing extraoral dental 3D scan spray

Even with modern extraoral dental scanners, it is necessary to use matting sprays in many applications.

How to excel in clear aligner therapy

Susana Palma shares her experience of helping others develop their confidence when treating with clear aligners.

BOS welcomes report which aims to improve access and standards of care for patients in hospital dentistry

The Consultant Orthodontist Group of the British Orthodontic Society are delighted to support the publication of the GIRFT report into hospital dentistry. 

NASDAL goodwill survey – a return to normality?

The latest results published from the NASDAL (National Association of Specialist Dental Accountants and Lawyers) goodwill survey statistics were published recently.

Dental Protection reveals key advice trends during Covid-19

Handling patient complaints about delays in treatment due to backlogs, and situations where staff refuse a Covid-19 vaccination, are the key areas dental professionals have sought advice and support...

Winning back professional normality

The IDS 2021 has given the whole industry what it needs now. The participants are now taking stock, gaining an orientation and above all engaging in personal encounters again at last - albeit six...

Align Technology introduces whitening system powered by Ultradent

Align Technology recently announced an exclusive supply and distribution agreement with Ultradent Products - a leading developer and manufacturer of high-tech dental materials, devices, and...

Dental practice brushes up on party skills to celebrate 50 years serving the community

The Menai Bridge Dental Practice is celebrating 50 years of supporting the local community this September. First opened in 1971, the practice has been providing essential and cosmetic dentistry to...

Unused compensation for damaged property – is tax payable?

Michael Lansdell discusses how to handle capital gains tax in relation to compensation payouts.

The DDU appoints Dr Hugh Stewart as new professional services director

The MDU, the parent company of the DDU, has appointed Dr Hugh Stewart to the role of professional services director. Hugh will take over from Dr Matthew Lee, who becomes the DDU’s new chief...

Focusing on goals

Catherine Rutland considers how the pandemic will affect new graduates’ careers.

Dental Protection: Committee inquiry into rising clinical negligence costs welcomed

The Health and Social Care committee has launched a new inquiry to examine the case for the reform of NHS litigation against a background of a significant increase in costs.

New police training course on child neglect includes oral health

A training programme in child protection, which includes dental neglect as a core component, is now being rolled out across South Yorkshire Police.

Your practice and the planet

Kimberley Lloyd-Rees explains how small changes can mean a big step towards sustainability.

Covid-19 management in the dental setting

The outbreak of Covid-19 has affected many aspects of our lives over the past year. Our health and wellbeing have been thrust to the forefront as a result, with the majority of the population taking...