500 extra NHS dental appointments made available for children

27 October 2023

Spadental in Whitchurch has increased the number of NHS-funded appointments available for children up to 19-years-old.

Spadental in Whitchurch has increased the number of NHS-funded appointments available for children up to 19-years-old.

Speaking to the Whitchurch Herald, Christopher Hilling the practice’s managing director said, “At our Whitchurch practice we are keen to get the message out to parents of potential patients that we have at least 500 children’s Saturday appointments available.

“So far the response has been less than we expected.

“At other SpaDental practices demand for children’s health care is so great we could fill every available appointment multiple times over.”

This comes amidst a petition by Helen Morgan, minister for North Shropshire, to improve access to NHS dental care in rural areas like Shropshire, having raised the lack of provision in rural areas with the secretary of state for health.

Helen Morgan MP said, “Access to NHS dental care in North Shropshire is not as good as it should be, so it is great to see some of our local practices taking initiatives and offering extra NHS spots for children.

“I would really urge residents in and around Whitchurch whose children are in need of a check-up to take SpaDental up on their offer.”