The Golden Medallion Award is issued periodically to individuals whose contributions to prosthodontics have been exceptional. Preiskel will be acknowledged at the 88th Annual Meeting of the American Prosthodontic Society in Chicago on February 25, 2016.
Harold Preiskel is emeritus professor of prosthodontics at King’s College Dental Institute, where he founded the dental implant program. Preiskel graduated at Guy’s Hospital Dental School and won a scholarship to study prosthodontics under the legendry Carl Boucher, obtaining his Master’s Degree at Ohio State University in 1963.
Preiskel was the first president of The International College of Prosthodontists, the first non-American president of the American Prosthodontic Society, founding co-editor of the International Journal of Prosthodontics, chairman of its board, past president of the American Dental Society of London, the British Dental Association (Metropolitan Branch), the London Dental Study Club, and chaired the International Prosthodontic Symposium 1982 - the first of its kind ever to be held in the UK.
He was made’ Alumnus of the Year’ in 2007 for Kings College Dental Institute and awarded the Webb-Johnson Medallion of the Royal College of Surgeons of England in 2008. The Greater New York Academy of Prosthodontics appointed him ‘Distinguished Lecturer of the Year 2008’. In 2014, his name became the sixth to be inscribed on the Hall of Fame in Prosthodontics at Ohio State University.
Preiskel is a fellow of the Academy of Prosthodontics and of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. He is the author of textbooks that have become standard works, some 100 scientific articles, the recipient of numerous prestigious prosthodontic awards and active in research, teaching and practice.
The American Prosthodontic Society is an international organisation of dentists interested in the replacement of lost teeth. It brings together the general practitioner, the specialist, and dental technologist, and sponsors scientific seminars and meetings to broaden their knowledge in this field.