DDU introduces social media e-learning course

09 October 2018

The DDU (Dental Defence Union) has launched a new e-learning course to help dental professionals use social media ethically and effectively, without experiencing career-damaging pitfalls.

The resource includes fictional scenarios that are based on common queries and concerns received from members.

Topics covered include:

  • Communication with patients and colleagues.
  • Marketing yourself using social media.
  • Relevant legal and ethical obligations.

So far, feedback to the tool has been positive, with participants commenting that the tool is “extremely helpful and informative, particularly with real life scenarios and referring to GDC Standards” with “easy to follow content, beautifully presented”.

Leo Briggs, deputy head of the DDU, stated, “Dental professionals have embraced social media and overall it is having a positive impact on dentistry by, for example, helping them to market their practice or giving patients access to more healthcare information from the profession itself. However, mistakes on social media, such as an inappropriate comment or photo, are easy to make and can damage your reputation and career. 

“Consequently, the aim of this e-learning tool is to help dental professionals and students maximise the benefits of using social media and appreciate its pitfalls whilst continuing to meet ethical and legal obligations.”

Andrew Chandrapal, former president of the British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (BACD) and member of the DDU’s Dental Advisory Committee remarked, “Professional development is vital for dentists who wish to enjoy a long and rewarding career. The DDU’s e-learning course enables dental professionals to promote their practice ethically on social media, understand the reputational risks associated with social media and how to respond appropriately to online complaints.”

Following completion of the course, individuals will receive a certificate of an hour of verifiable CPD.

To complete the social media e-learning course, visit https://www.theddu.com/learn-and-develop/social-media-e-learning