Clawback forces practice to reduce NHS service

A dental clinic in Harrogate has announced it is reducing its NHS provision from 2024 due to financial issues.

Invest in your career, and it can pay you back

Fazeela Khan-Osborne considers how implant training can add value to your role.

Teesside nurseries donate a toothbrush to every child in bid to tackle decaying teeth in toddlers

North East nursery provider Rosedene Nurseries, has embarked on a dental health project after finding out that one in four children living in Teesside have decaying teeth before the age of five.

Derby tackles underage vape sales in new documentary

Derby City Council’s Trading Standards team are back keeping young people safe in their latest operation against sales of vapes to under 18s.

Bristol practice reopens following community outcry

Following a campaign by the local community, a Bristol dental surgery is set to reopen.

New chapter for UK’s oldest dental practice

A dental practice widely acknowledged by historians and dentistry experts as being the oldest in the United Kingdom is celebrating a new chapter in its long and proud history.

Brothers open a dental practice in Wigan

A new dental surgery will open in Standish in 2024, run by two dentist brothers returning to the village to set up a home and a family business.

Early detection is key

A look at the importance of improving the discovery of mouth cancer.

Just two out of 14 Scottish health boards meet smoking target

Alex Cole-Hamilton, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, has said the Scottish Government are running out of puff as he revealed that the health service’s target for helping people quit smoking has been...

Association to have its say on government’s pay deal

The British Dental Association (BDA) has indicated it will move to hold a referendum on government pledges to change consultant pay scales and the pay review process.

400,000 pregnant women vaping daily, survey reveals

Figures from the UK Addiction Treatment Group shared with ITV News show that 5.1m adults in the UK vape daily and, in most cases, multiple times.

Bidding farewell

 The Dentist speaks to Simon Chard as he looks back at his time as BACD president.