Rebecca Waters

Category manager for Initial Medical

Managing controlled drugs

Rebecca Waters reflects on how best to manage controlled drugs in dentistry.

Microplastics make a macro-issue

Rebecca Waters discusses the role of dental professionals in reducing the effects of microplastics.

Protecting the environment

Rebecca Waters reminds us of the need for sustainable waste protocol.

Moving to facial aesthetics

Rebecca Waters considers what dental professionals need to be aware of.

Dealing with allergens

Rebecca Waters considers the steps practices can take to help patients.

When does a glove become infectious?

Rebecca Waters discusses hazardous waste management.

Doing your bit

Rebecca Waters discusses the role of dental professionals in fighting antibiotic resistance.

NHS clinical waste strategy and what it means for you

Rebecca Waters explains how the revised guidance improves sustainability.

Recycle and refresh your waste management

Rebecca Waters discusses the options for making your business greener.

Sustainability and you

Rebecca Waters discusses ways to make your practice more environmentally friendly.

The environmental impact

Rebecca Waters discusses how the pandemic has affected the world.

New guidance, new expectations

Rebecca Waters looks at the use of masks in routine practice.