
Recruitment now open for GDC chair and council member

The General Dental Council’s recruitment to fill the roles of chair and council nember is now open, ahead of the terms of office for two of its existing members coming to an end later this year.

Covid-19: Regulators’ joint statement and new GDC supplementary advice

A joint statement has been issued by the health and social care regulators in relation to how they have, and will continue to, regulate in light of Covid-19.

DDU welcomes fairer system for dealing with GDC concerns in Scotland

The DDU has welcomed a new system for dealing with low-level concerns about dental professionals in Scotland.

Significantly lower levels of satisfaction amongst dental patients from ethnic minority backgrounds

The General Dental Council (GDC) has published its Public Research 2020 report which captures the views of the public on a wide range of issues.

Research highlights scale of impact of Covid-19 on dental professionals

New Covid-19 research released by the General Dental Council (GDC) has found that most dental professionals expect to be able to see fewer patients than normal over the next 12 months, while also...

GDC highlights importance of clear public safety covid information

New research published by the General Dental Council (GDC) – the UK’s regulator of dental professionals – reveals that while most people (61 per cent) feel just as confident about visiting the dentist...

GDC releases updated Brexit information

This week the GDC has updated its Brexit-related information for dental professionals, following updated guidance being received by all the health and care regulators from the Department of Health and...

Dental Protection response to DHSC consultation: Urgent action needed to reform GDC

Dental Protection has welcomed the commitment by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) to modernise the laws that underpin the work of the GDC and other professional regulators.

Life support training for dental professionals: joint statement from CQC and GDC

It is recommended that dental professionals undertake life support training every year. However, the GDC has recognised that access to accredited training may have been affected by Covid-19.

Two in five dentists now fearful of investigations arising from Covid-19 disruption

Dental Protection has called on the General Dental Council and the Professional Standards Authority to do more as fear of investigations arising from Covid-19 and disruption to care is becoming a...

BDA calls for clarification on essential worker status for private practices

Since the beginning of the pandemic, the BDA has repeatedly argued for the dental sector’s essential worker status to be confirmed. The BDA reported last week that the CDO for England had confirmed...

Dentists and their teams confirmed as essential workers in England

The chief dental officer for England, Sara Hurley, has received confirmation from the Department of Health and Social Care that the dental workforce actively engaged in supporting the NHS and...