
Harlow MP responds to concerns over NHS dentistry

Robert Halfon, minister for Harlow and the Villages, has released a statement in response to concerns about access to NHS dentists following an Opposition Day debate in parliament on January 9, 2023.

MP presents petition to parliament to tackle NHS dental crisis

On January 9, 2024, Tim Farron, MP for Westmoreland, Furness and Eden, presented a petition to the House of Commons urging action on the lack of available NHS dental places in Cumbria and other rural...

Association asks for clarity on recovery plans

The British Dental Association (BDA) says it laments the lack of clarity from the government over plans to save NHS dentistry.

‘Frustrated, annoyed and stressed’: Patients in Swindon struggling to access dental care

Politician says it is “borderline impossible” to get an NHS dentist in Swindon. The comments follow the release of updated information concerning available services.

Wirral MP calls for improved dental care for all children

Margaret Greenwood MP is calling on the government to develop a comprehensive national children’s oral health strategy to reduce waiting times and focus on targeted preventive measures, early...

Association urges the prime minister to announce plans for NHS dentistry reform

The British Dental Association (BDA) has said Rishi Sunak, the prime minister, must deliver on his leadership election pledge to ‘restore’ NHS dentistry with the much-delayed recovery plan.

Association pushes for reform of Northern Irish dental services

As political parties prepared to hold roundtable talks with the secretary of state on public finance pressures on December 11, the British Dental Association (BDA) Northern Ireland warned that the...

Vapes should have the same restrictions as cigarettes, say Welsh public health officials

The same restrictions that currently apply to tobacco products should be applied to the marketing, packaging and display of e-cigarettes, according to a new consultation response by Public Health...

Councillors lobby the health secretary on NHS dentistry and vapes

Concerns over poor access to NHS dentists, and the easy availability of single-use vapes, were the subjects of separate motions agreed by the full meeting of Eastleigh Borough Council.

Plans progressed to create a smokefree generation

Plans to introduce the most significant public health intervention in a generation and phase out smoking are progressing at pace, as the government’s consultation closed on December 6, 2023.

Just two out of 14 Scottish health boards meet smoking target

Alex Cole-Hamilton, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, has said the Scottish Government are running out of puff as he revealed that the health service’s target for helping people quit smoking has been...

Association to have its say on government’s pay deal

The British Dental Association (BDA) has indicated it will move to hold a referendum on government pledges to change consultant pay scales and the pay review process.