
Toothless in England launches

Toothless in England launched recently - and earlier than planned. The launch was moved forward in response to the level of public support and global media interest in the ‘Toothless in Suffolk’...

Dentists accuse Rees-Mogg of misleading House over NHS funding

The British Dental Association (BDA) has accused Jacob Rees-Mogg MP, the leader of the House, of misleading parliament, after he claimed that NHS dental services were benefitting from the NHS...

NHS dentistry: Scottish government plans set to spark exodus from service

The British Dental Association has warned that the Scottish government’s plans to revert to pre-covid models of care risk sparking a flight of dentists from the NHS, with potentially devastating...

MPs tell treasury: fund dental services our constituents rely on

The British Dental Association (BDA) has welcomed the wide range of political support calling for sustainable funding to underpin the rebuild of NHS dentistry in England.

Budget leaves NHS dentistry in last chance saloon

The British Dental Association has lamented the budget's failure to recognise the challenges facing dental services across England.

Over 3 1/2 million lost dental appointments: new figures point to perversity of Scottish government plans

The British Dental Association Scotland has warned new data underlining the scale of the backlogs facing practices demonstrates the absurdity of government plans to return to pre-covid models of care....

Scottish government plans set to decimate NHS dentistry

The British Dental Association Scotland has warned plans to return NHS practices to pre covid models of work will devastate dental services across the country.

NI: constructive meeting with health minister to move dental reform forward

The British Dental Association has met with health minister Robin Swann to discuss the ongoing challenges in dentistry.

Healthwatch and BDA urge chancellor to reverse a decade of cuts

In a joint message, Healthwatch England and the British Dental Association (BDA) have urged Rishi Sunak to use the coming spending review to guarantee the future of NHS dentistry.

Toothless in Suffolk take to the streets

Members of the Toothless in Suffolk campaign group took to the streets of Bury St Edmunds recently to demand better provision of NHS dentistry in the county.

Child asylum seekers: dental age check plan dropped, but key questions remain

The BDA has welcomed reports the Home Office has reconsidered plans to introduce the use of dental x-rays to determine age in asylum cases.

Water fluoridation: a statement from the UK chief medical officers

Recently, the UK government published a statement on water fluoridation from the UK chief medical officers.