Oral health

Increased risk of dental caries after obesity surgeries

Those who have had surgical obesity treatment (also known as bariatric surgery) have a higher risk of dental caries than before surgery. They also often experience a general decline in oral health....

Council announces package of resources for schools to tackle vaping

Bradford Council has introduced steps to address concerns about children vaping.

Somerset is the worst dental desert in the country, says local resident

At Somerset Council’s Adults and Health Scrutiny Committee meeting on October 5, 2023, the community pleaded for action to address the area’s shortage of NHS dentists.

500 extra NHS dental appointments made available for children

Spadental in Whitchurch has increased the number of NHS-funded appointments available for children up to 19-years-old.

Hospital trust signs pledge to become smokefree

Health leaders at University Hospital Southampton (UHS) have signed an NHS pledge for the organisation to become a smoke-free site.

Warwickshire confronts rising trend of young people vaping

Warwickshire County Council has announced it will be working with schools and parents to encourage open conversation with young people about vaping, raising awareness of the risks associated with...

Oral health inequalities widening in Scotland, warns association

The British Dental Association (BDA) has warned that decades of progress on children’s dental health risks going into reverse following the release of a public health report.

Access crisis in dentistry is ‘piling pressure’ across NHS, says association

The British Dental Association (BDA) has said figures from the Labour Party on the nearly 70,000 patients who sought dental care in emergency departments in 2022 are just the tip of the iceberg and...

A growing concern

Shamaila Mahmood considers the impact of shisha on oral health.

Managing oral health in teenagers

Kimberley Lloyd Rees discusses the specific challenges faced.

Charities voice support for government's smokefree plans

Charities, academics, health leaders, local government and medical royal colleges met with the government on October 19, 2023, and voiced their support for the government’s plans to create a...

Treating patients struggling with substance and alcohol abuse

Neil Sikka, a Bupa Dental Care dentist, shares his years of experience in handling patients facing addiction issues and provides insights into this crucial aspect of dental care.