Oral health

Two-thirds of the public support raising the sale age to create a smokefree generation

A YouGov poll for Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) found that 67 per cent of people in England back the prime minister’s plans to create a smokefree generation by raising the age of sale so that it...

Inaugural career development fellowship awarded

The British Fluoridation Society (BFS) is pleased to announce that its first career development fellowship has been awarded to Patrick Quinn, principal dental surgeon for County Kerry, Ireland.

Ultra-processed foods linked to a higher risk of mouth cancer

Eating more ultra-processed foods (UPFs) may be associated with a higher risk of developing cancers of the upper aerodigestive tract (including the mouth, throat and oesophagus), according to a new...

Only 34 per cent of oral health professionals always offer preventative care advice to patients, says research

Haleon, a world-leading consumer health company, together with the College of General Dentistry, the standard-setting professional body for dental health professionals, has launched the Dental Health...

Nearly two-thirds of people in Wales support raising the age of sale for tobacco

Plans to phase out tobacco smoking for the next generation are overwhelmingly supported by the people of Wales, new data reveals today.  

Teesside nurseries donate a toothbrush to every child in bid to tackle decaying teeth in toddlers

North East nursery provider Rosedene Nurseries, has embarked on a dental health project after finding out that one in four children living in Teesside have decaying teeth before the age of five.

Derby tackles underage vape sales in new documentary

Derby City Council’s Trading Standards team are back keeping young people safe in their latest operation against sales of vapes to under 18s.

Early detection is key

A look at the importance of improving the discovery of mouth cancer.

Just two out of 14 Scottish health boards meet smoking target

Alex Cole-Hamilton, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader, has said the Scottish Government are running out of puff as he revealed that the health service’s target for helping people quit smoking has been...

400,000 pregnant women vaping daily, survey reveals

Figures from the UK Addiction Treatment Group shared with ITV News show that 5.1m adults in the UK vape daily and, in most cases, multiple times.

We need more regulation, says UK’s largest vape manufacturer

British American Tobacco (BAT), the UK’s largest listed tobacco and vaping company, has launched a multi-pronged media campaign urging new regulations be introduced so the vaping industry can fulfil...

Scotland launches vaping campaign

A new marketing campaign informing parents, carers and school pupils of the dangers of vaping has been launched by the Scottish Government.