
Redundancy, the right and the wrong!

Kelly Games discusses the different considerations for dental businesses.

Top associate contract concerns revealed by the DDU

The Dental Defence Union (DDU) has revealed the most common areas of concern that members face when negotiating a new contract. This comes as many dental professionals face a great deal of uncertainty...

Indemnifiers offer support for dental teams unable to wear fit-tested masks

Dentists can still call on dento-legal experts for help even if they are unable to wear a fit-tested FFP2 or FFP3 mask.

Survey reveals public support for NHS to be shielded from COVID-19 litigation

A survey commissioned by the parent company of the Dental Defence Union (DDU) of 2,108 UK adults has found that 70% think dental professionals, doctors and other NHS staff involved in providing...

GDC under fire as ARF remains unchanged during COVID-19 crisis

The GDC has come in for criticism from the profession for failing to be flexible in its registration payments amid the Covid-19 crisis.

National dental organisations join forces to agree return-to-work guidance

National dental organisations have joined forces to agree guidance for UK general dental practices on returning to work as the Covid pandemic eases.

Dental company boss calls on industry to rid supply chains of labour abuse risks

The boss of a dental supplies company is calling on the industry to work together to ensure transparency when it comes ridding supply chains of labour abuse.

Dentists need immunity from COVID-19-related claims

Dento-legal experts are calling for dental professionals to be spared the stress and anxiety of clinical negligence claims relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Covid-19 update: PPE and mixed practice financial support

There have been new developments in government ruling on financial support for practices and its guidelines on infection control.

Dentists warn failure to support self-employed may have devastating impact on service

The British Dental Association (BDA) has warned that means-testing of support for the self-employed during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will have potentially catastrophic impact on large parts...

The GDC’s updated response to COVID-19: providing treatment in uncertain times

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to develop, the challenges facing dental professionals are changing. The importance of effective infection control within dental primary care settings remains, but...

CDO and NHS England statement – more details still needed

The National Association of Specialist Dental Accountants and Lawyers (NASDAL) has released a statement responding to the announcement from CDO Sara Hurley and NHS England regarding the clinical and...