
New opportunities for young dental professionals to make their mark

Two new prizes have been created by the Dental Law and Ethics Forum (DLEF) to inspire young dental professionals to engage with ethical issues in dentistry.

Managing pregnancy and parenthood in the workplace

Tina Chander explores the legal responsibility of employers.

BDA Indemnity now protects limited companies

The British Dental Association (BDA) has launched insurance cover for entities, protecting limited companies and other types of legal entities with the same comprehensive cover as their personal...

NHS parental pay in England

Tom Slevin explains what employers need to know

Deliver achievable clinical negligence reform without delay, says DDU

The House of Commons Health and Social Care Select Committee recently published the report of its inquiry into NHS litigation reform. The Dental Defence Union (DDU) engaged closely with this inquiry,...

Dental Protection: fixed recoverable costs scheme must benefit dentistry

Dental Protection has welcomed proposals to limit the legal costs that can be recovered by claimant lawyers for lower value clinical negligence claims, but believes more could be done to ensure such a...

Dentist forced to pay out £137,000 after pointless procedure

Sumit Aggarwal, of Compass Clinical in Norfolk, was forced to pay £137,000 to former patient Lindsey Harris, after he extracted three of her teeth in a 90 minute procedure, instead of performing a 12...

FTA Law announce the creation of the Covid-19 Inquiry Dental Alliance

Following the long-awaited government announcement of the draft terms of reference for the forthcoming public enquiry into the Covid-19 pandemic, FTA Law are delighted to announce the creation of the...

Combatting racism in the workplace

Tina Chander discusses the responsibilities for employers

Newly qualified dentist caught smoking a joint when driving home from his second day of work

On September 2, 2021, Sajid Patel, 25, stopped off to buy cannabis and smoke a joint in a car park.

Importance of engagement and legal representation in fitness to practise highlighted in new research on seriousness

Cross-regulatory research to understand how the concept of seriousness is understood and applied by UK healthcare regulators in their fitness to practice work was published recently.

Dentists’ Provident paid 98.9 per cent of new claims in 2021

Dentists’ Provident, a leading income protection provider for the dental industry, has paid out £5.4m to members in 2021, their latest figures show.