
Dental Protection: Government proposal could deprive dentists of NHS Pension Scheme prior to a conviction

The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) has recently announced plans to give the Secretary of State the power to suspend a healthcare professional’s rights to NHS Pension benefits in cases...

New Research Shows Fear of Litigation Causes Stress

During Stress Awareness month, eight out of 10 Dental Protection members admit the fear of being sued causes stress and anxiety.

DDU reveals top five reasons for dental claims

The Dental Defence Union (DDU) has revealed the five areas of dental treatment which lead to the most claims for compensation, with extractions being the most common cause of claims. 

MDDUS responds to appropriate clinical negligence cover consultation

The Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland (MDDUS) believes there is no evidence to suggest healthcare professionals and patients will be better protected through regulation of clinical...

Make complaining easy for patients, advises DDU

 It should be easy for patients who are unhappy about some aspect of their treatment to raise this with their treating dental professional or practice, says the Dental Defence Union (DDU).

Dental Protection judicial review successfully overturns GDC warning over minor driving offence

Dental Protection has successfully challenged the General Dental Council’s (GDC’s) decision in which the regulator tried to re-impose a warning on a dentist for a minor road traffic conviction.