General Health

Tooth wear: supporting your patients

A look at the contributing factors and the strategies to combat them. When it comes to tooth wear and what damages the health of people’s teeth, the most commonly discussed topic is diet – sugar and...

Free flu jabs for dentists axed by NHS England

The British Dental Association has slammed moves by NHS England not to keep dentists and their teams within the NHS flu vaccine programme this year.   

Young dentists raise concerns about impact of Covid-19 on their wellbeing

Nearly two in five (37 per cent) of young dentists in the UK say they are worried about the impact of Covid-19 on their wellbeing, according to a new Dental Protection survey.

A third of smoking households in England are living in poverty with rates highest in the North

New analysis of national data commissioned by charity Action on Smoking and Health finds that the proportion of smokers living in poverty is highest in the north and midlands.

Local council support for smokers better than pre-pandemic – but chronic funding pressures remain

Findings from Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) and Cancer Research UK’s annual national survey of local government stop smoking support [1] show improvements compared to before the pandemic hit.

Millions are dying from antimicrobial resistance, according to a new report

The Lancet recently published an estimate of the number of deaths caused by antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which was based on an analysis of 204 countries by a team of international researchers, led...

Double trouble: are you prepared for flu season?

As the days get shorter and the cold draws in, this typically coincides with the start of the flu season.

Smoking costs society £17bn – £5bn more than previously estimated

New economic analysis of national data for Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) finds the cost of smoking to society is significantly higher than previous estimates have shown.

Government’s broken promise on sugar tax

The government has quietly diverted funds from the soft drinks levy, which was targeted to tackle childhood obesity and improve children’s health, to the general tax pot.

Gum disease increases risk of other illness such as mental health and heart conditions

A University of Birmingham-led study shows an increased risk of patients developing illnesses including mental ill-health and heart conditions if they have a GP-inputted medical history of periodontal...

Is there a link between dementia and missing teeth?

Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Directors Association (JAMDA) has identified a potential risk factor for dementia that can be found in the mouth.

Stem cells from teeth could help treat depression

Dental pulp taken from the centre of extracted teeth is being tested as a way to treat depression in a new trial, following a theory that stem cells in the pulp may help to encourage the formation of...