General Health

Poor oral health linked to liver cancer

According to a study from Queens University Belfast to poor oral hygiene can increase the risk of liver cancer.

‘Gateway’ foods: Ultra-processed foods leading to unhealthy teen diets

Research presented at the American Heart Association’s Hypertension Scientific Sessions 2022 suggests that ultra-processed foods might act as a “gateway” causing teenagers to eat higher quantities of...

Millions of new mums miss out on free access to NHS dentistry

The British Dental Association (BDA) has said Liz Truss's new administration must urgently move on pledges to reform NHS dentistry, as analysis of official data reveals close to a million new mums...

Could periodontal health be linked to cognitive decline and dementia?

A new review of available medical evidence suggests that poor periodontal health could have a concerning effect on cognitive decline and dementia.

Podcast Episode 15: Home care

In this episode we talk to dentist and researcher Victoria Sampson on the importance of home care, motivation techniques and the links between oral and systemic health.

Dental biorhythm linked with adolescent weight gain

The University of Kent has released evidence of a biorhythm in human primary teeth which can be linked to adolescent weight gain.

New public opinion survey supporting water fluoridation in Scotland

The British Fluoridation Society (BFS) welcomes the findings of its latest academic survey which confirms public support in Scotland for water fluoridation to improve oral health and combat dental...

The “long shadow on our health”: changing alcohol habits following the pandemic

​As a result of the pandemic, everyone’s daily lives changed dramatically. So did our habits and food choices. Studies from University of Sheffield and Institute of Alcohol Studies/HealthLumen have...

Smokers 45 per cent more likely to die from Covid-19 

Data collated from the American Heart Association’s Covid-19 CVD Registry to determine the impact of smoking and vaping among patients hospitalized with Covid-19 has been revealed. 

New study links gum disease and Alzheimer’s

Research published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience by Tufts University suggests a connection between F. nucleatum and Alzheimer’s disease.

A new partnership between British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry and Faculty of Public Health

The British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD) is delighted to have partnered with the Faculty of Public Health (FPH) and act as the special interest group for oral health. BASCD...