General Health

Mouth Cancer Action Month: NHS update

November marks the annual Mouth Cancer Action Month, the most extensive campaign for mouth cancer awareness. The latest NHS update from Ali Sparke, director for dentistry, community pharmacy and...

Tried and tested health diagnostics

After successfully supplying and training over 150 UK pharmacies to deliver health diagnostics, Goodbody Clinic is rolling out its comprehensive blood testing solution to dental practices.  The...

Domestic abuse in dentistry

The College of General Dentistry (CGDent) is working to raise awareness of the safeguarding role of dental professionals in response to signs of domestic abuse, and to support information-gathering on...

Dentists forced to prescribe unnecessary antibiotics for toothache in pandemic

The Covid-19 restrictions preventing dentists in England from providing face-to-face treatment required some to unnecessarily prescribe antibiotics for dental pain, a study by University of Manchester...

Female dental professionals must be supported through menopause  

Female dentists and dental care professionals (DCPs) should be well supported through menopause and perimenopause to ensure we retain passionate and skilled clinicians in the workforce for as long as...

Battling stress and anxiety in challenging times

There are few people who would dispute that we have been living in trying times over the past few years. A pandemic, a war in Europe which has contributed to rocketing energy and food prices, followed...

Periodontal health linked to heart attacks

A study of 2,370 patients from the University of Michigan has found a link between heart attacks and periodontal health.

Wellbeing Toolkit launched

Mahrukh Khwaja, dentist and positive psychologist, together with Unilever’s oral care brand Zendium, have launched a new, activity-based Wellbeing Toolkit to help address the mental health challenges...

Vegetarianism and Oral Health

Juliette Reeves outlines how to avoid the pitfalls of a meat-free diet. 

Teen drinking declining, a new NHS survey suggests

New NHS data shows that drinking amongst secondary school pupils is declining with per centages of pupils who had ever had an alcoholic drink down from 44 per cent to 40 per cent.

Could anti-obesity legislation be scrapped?

Liz Truss has ordered an official review of the anti-obesity strategy which could lead to lifting many of the sugar regulations.

Alcohol labeling: the solution to reducing health harms

Research suggests that enhanced labeling on alcoholic drinks might plug the gaps in public knowledge.