General Health

Health trust calls for mental health to be prioritised in the workplace

A Northern Irish trust has announced that it has supported a regional campaign to encourage local people to prioritise workplace mental health to mark World Suicide Prevention Day.

Government needs to commit to suicide prevention, says charity

Samaritans, a mental-health support charity, has encouraged people not to bottle up their feelings, with suicide rates in England and Wales now at their highest in over 20 years and one-in-five of...

Oral bacteria can worsen symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, study reveals

Periodontal disease affects the gums and tissues that surround the teeth and is one of the most prevalent dental conditions in the world.

Lobbying from health harming industries must be addressed, report claims

Leading public health experts are calling on members of Parliament (MPs) to protect the health of their constituents and ‘wise up’ to lobbying tactics from businesses whose sales contribute to poor...

Vaping ‘epidemic’ must be addressed, says association

The British Medical Association (BMA) has called on the government to stop what it has called a “growing epidemic of vape use in the UK”.

Obstructive sleep apnoea can lead to chronic pain, study reveals

Researchers from the University of Texas Health Science Centre at San Antonio (UT Health San Antonio) School of Dentistry have created a first-of-its-kind sleep apnoea model for studying chronic pain....

Dentists and opticians offering blood pressure checks to help diagnose hypertension

The NHS is trialling blood pressure checks at dentist and optometry appointments to help find people at hidden risks of stroke or heart attacks.

Life-saving health check programme introduced to workplaces across England

For the first time, the government has announced a life-saving health check programme for workplaces across the country.

Living in the age of anxiety

A look at the impact of stress on oral health.

A sobering thought…

Anne Symons discusses the impact of alcohol on oral health.

Could low and no alcohol drinks be the future?

Philip Silver discusses the rise in popularity of low alcohol beverages, considering the positive impacts on both oral and general health.

Work-related stress linked to an increased risk of irregular heart rhythm

Job strain and effort-reward imbalance at work have been associated with a greater chance of developing an abnormal heart rhythm condition, reveals research published in the Journal of the American...