
Something to chew on

Michael Sultan discusses novel ways to administer drugs.

Researchers discover dental connection between prehistoric dinosaurs and mammals

When most people think of ferocious, blade-like teeth on prehistoric creatures they picture Smilodon, better known as the saber-toothed tiger. But in the world of dinosaurs, theropods are well known...

Dental organisations investigate discrimination

The British Dental Association, Faculty of General Dental Practice UK and College of General Dentistry have joined forces to conduct a survey into discrimination in dentistry.

Annus horribilis

Looking back on 2020 – the pandemic, the lockdowns and the massive economic hit the country has taken – it is hard not to conclude it has been, in the words of the Queen Elizabeth, something of an...

New treatment options

Hani Mostafa looks at the benefits that silver diamine fluoride can bring.

Adapting in a changing world

The government recently launched a poster campaign featuring a ballerina with the caption “Fatima’s next job could be in cyber (she just doesn’t know it yet)”. The drive was encouraging people to...

Growing trust

Michael Sultan discusses the ways dental practices can build patient confidence.

​Crouch elected new chair of the British Dental Association

Eddie Crouch has been elected as the new chair of the British Dental Association’s Principal Executive Committee (PEC).

A weighty issue

The government recently set out its new obesity strategy – a series of measures aimed at getting the nation fit and healthy.

Coping in a crisis

The Dentist talks to Lauren Harrhy about mental health in the post-covid age.

A new kind of organisation

Nigel Jones interviews Simon Thackeray about who the British Association of Private Dentistry is for, how it works and what the future might hold.

The post-lockdown opportunities

Richard Scarborough talks to Harry Singh about offering facial aesthetics after lockdown.