
The importance of patient education

Michael Sultan discusses the significance of effective communication.

Building the skills

David Hussey explores the qualities needed to lead.

National riots condemned by diversity and inclusion dental group

The Diversity in Dentistry Action Group (DDAG), hosted by the College of General Dentistry (CGDent), has released a statement in response to the national riots.

Racist attacks on healthcare workers condemned by a medical defence organisation

The chief executive of MDDUS, a medical defence organisation, has condemned the “appalling” threats of violence against NHS staff.

Wellbeing in the workplace

Zaki Kanaan discusses the importance of wellbeing in the workplace, touching on how making meaningful connections is essential.

Almost one million children have tried vaping, study reveals

Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) has published findings from a comprehensive survey examining the vaping behaviour of 11 to 17-year-olds in Britain.

Oral hygiene for people with dementia frequently overlooked

Experts have produced easy to read and free resources to improve mouth and dental care for people living with dementia at home after a study found it is a neglected area.

Women’s organisation launches campaign to tackle dental crisis

Members of the Women’s Institute (WI) have voted to support a campaign for 2024/5 to call upon the government to end the growing crisis in dental health and end the lack of access to NHS dental...

Patients are concerned about the rising cost of dental care

The General Dental Council (GDC) has published the latest research on public views and experiences of dental care in the UK, highlighting significant barriers to accessing dental services, especially...

Employee sickness cost has increased to £30bn since 2018

A report by IPPR, an independent charity, revealed that a rise in workplace sickness has cost UK businesses billions each year.

Patients in Rutland struggle to secure NHS dental appointments

Healthwatch Rutland has highlighted delays in the creation of the local ‘Dental Access Plan', and in securing a new provider to improve appointment availability in Rutland.

Dentists require more to correct decade-long pay cut

The British Dental Association (BDA) has said the above-inflation six per cent pay increase for NHS dentists is welcome progress.