
Setting young patients up for life

Kate Scheer considers the challenges of treating children.

Two in five dentists who graduated overseas faced fitness to practice hearing without legal support

Nearly two in five dentists (38 per cent) who graduated overseas did not have legal representation when facing a GDC fitness to practise hearing according to figures obtained by Dental Protection...

Giving back: dentist donates money from gold tooth extractions to hospice

A dentist in Cornwall has decided to put the gold and metal teeth he has extracted to good use.

Malpractice trial awards $95.5 million to child’s family

In 2016, four year old Nevaeh Hall’s family took her to a local Houston dentist to have a few teeth extracted due to decay. The procedure should have been fairly routine. But, Nevaeh ended up leaving...

“Now is not the time to scrap the sugar tax”

Tooth decay remains the main reason for hospitals admissions among five to nine year olds, according to data published by NHS Digital. Following a decrease during the pandemic, the number of five to...

A tribute to her majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The British Dental Association, on behalf of the UK's 42,000 dentists, has extended it's sincere condolences to the Royal Family on the passing of it's Royal Patron, Her Majesty The Queen.  

Eugene Chan appointed first overseas College of General Dentistry ambassador

The College of General Dentistry has announced the appointment of Dr Eugene Chan as an ambassador.

New public opinion survey supporting water fluoridation in Scotland

The British Fluoridation Society (BFS) welcomes the findings of its latest academic survey which confirms public support in Scotland for water fluoridation to improve oral health and combat dental...

In memory of Bob Morgan

The College of General Dentistry regrets to report that Robert Leslie Morgan FFGDP (UK)(Hon.), former national board member and West Midlands regional director for the Faculty of General Dental...

New president of the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry  

Albert Yeung, consultant in Dental Public Health at NHS Lanarkshire, was recently inaugurated in June 2022 as president of the British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry (BASCD).

Gender inequities in dental research publications: Findings from 20 years

New analysis of cited and general dental publications from 1996-2015 have noted significant gender disparities. Two groups of data were retrieved from the Scopus database for analysis. Both groups...