Dental Materials

Expanding in the United Kingdom and Ireland

Neoss Group is happy to announce the newly formed Neoss UK & Ireland Ltd. sales organisation, which will begin operations on December 1, 2022.

Innovative new whitening system launched

Professional whitening has never been so popular. The recent pandemic changed ways of meeting and communicating, and we now look at ourselves on screen, multiple times a day meaning 69 per cent of UK...

Tooth aligner sales plummeting

The chief finance officer of SmileDirectClub has announced cuts across the business due to falling sales.

Time to give a (rubber) dam

The use of rubber dams in dentistry has a number of proven benefits. They enhance visibility surrounding the treatment site and isolate the area from saliva and blood, protecting it from potential...

Posterior restorations: What products do you use?

Alistair Mayoh discusses using glass ionomer cement to achieve long-lasting and aesthetic restorations.

Putting service front and centre in every way

Having worked in various practices in the past, I had often found them to look cluttered and inconsistent in their interior design. I had a vision for my own practice to look clean, free of clutter...

A new approach to bone regeneration and implant treatment

Implant clinician and practice principal Selvaraji Balaji discusses the benefits of the Ossix range of bone regeneration materials and the new DS PrimeTaper implant.

Antibacterial bioactive glass doubles down on microbial resistance to antibiotics

Infections linked to medical devices such as catheters, dental implants, orthopaedics and wound dressings could be dramatically reduced using a simple technique, according to new research, media...

Prep to Cem: Control at every step

Akit Patel discusses which indirect restorative materials are best for particular indications.

First vanishing extraoral dental 3D scan spray

Even with modern extraoral dental scanners, it is necessary to use matting sprays in many applications.

Over 40 per cent dental membrane and bone graft substitute demand stimulated by resorbable dental membranes: Fact.MR Study

A European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research-certified market research, consulting and competitive intelligence provider, projects the global dental membrane and bone graft substitutes market...

Ensuring compliance and quality assurance

Following the UK’s exit from the European Union, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is now the UK’s standalone medicines and medical device regulator. This means that any...