The reasons behind Spring Budget’s vaping tax

13 March 2024

Ferakh Hamid unravels the hidden truths behind vaping and its impact on oral health.

Vaping, often thought of as a safer substitute for smoking, is being taxed for the first time starting from October 2026, as announced in the recent Spring Budget, highlighting the dangerous health risks associated.

Chemical and Health Concerns 

The complexity and amount of unidentified chemicals in vaping products is concerning. Research has identified harmful substances in vape products, including caffeine, pesticides, and toxic flavourings. These chemicals pose unknown risks to lung and heart health, challenging the notion that vaping is a benign habit.

Vaping can lead to a dry mouth, which goes beyond mere discomfort. It significantly reduces the production of saliva, an essential defence against tooth decay. With reduced saliva, your teeth are much more susceptible to cavities and, in severe cases, tooth loss. It's crucial to recognise the real impacts of what may seem like a harmless habit on your dental health.

The hot, dry vapour from e-cigarettes irritates the gums and increases the likelihood of developing gum disease. The presence of nicotine can hide early symptoms by restricting blood flow, leading to more severe problems later on that are unnoticed and untreated.

Nicotine, a common component in e-cigarettes, can lead to teeth grinding. This condition not only causes discomfort but can also result in serious dental issues, including jaw disorders, headaches, and even tooth loss.

It's important to be aware that many flavoured vapes contain substances that can weaken the tooth enamel. This protective outer layer is critical in preventing damage and decay. Once enamel is affected, the effects are irreversible, highlighting one of the most serious consequences of vaping for your teeth.

Addiction Risks

The addictive potential of e-cigarettes is on par with, if not greater than, traditional cigarettes. The availability of high-strength nicotine cartridges and the ability to increase vaping device voltage means that users can consume more nicotine than they might with cigarettes, heightening the addiction risk.

A concerning trend we observe is the higher proportion of men (9.5%) and young people aged 16 to 24 years (15.5% in 2022, up from 11.1% in 2021) engaging in daily or occasional vaping. This increase, particularly among young adults, highlights the need for targeted health education and intervention strategies to address these rising numbers and prevent long-term health consequences.

Dental Health Implications 

Our primary concern at Aesthetique Dental is the impact of vaping on oral health. Recent studies, such as the one from Tufts University, show a significant increase in dental decay risk among vapers. The correlation between vaping and high caries risk is undeniable and should not be underestimated. This is especially concerning given that many users may not be aware of this risk.